"Certainly I'm a firm believer in the value of research, but, for me, the biggest proof of the success of the theater program in our schools was watching students gain confidence and become more spirited learners."
    Dr. Susan Karp, Assistant Dean of Students,
    Robert Wood Johnson Medical School


There is a compelling body of research which links participation in school-based theater arts programs with improvements in academic performance, interest in learning, enhanced self-esteem, and stronger inclination toward teamwork. Arts Across America is compiling representative research which will appear in this section shortly.

For now, consider these tidbits:

Students who participate in arts programs score over 50 points higher on the verbal portion of the SAT and over 40 points higher on the math section. The College Board

Young people involved in the arts are significantly less likely to be involved with drugs and alcohol. Texas Commission on Drugs and Alcohol

Students who participate in arts programs are four times more likely to recognized for academic achievement, three times more likely to be elected to class office, three times more likely to win an award for attendance and four times more likely to participate in science and math fairs. Dr. Shirley Brice Heath, Stanford University

Students who participated in arts programs in selected elementary and middle schools in New York City showed significant increases in self-esteem and thinking skills. National Arts Education Research Center, New York University

Check this section soon for a comprehensive review of research.

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