" It wasn't until I participated in the performing arts program in my high school that I saw a great improvement in my schoolwork. I discovered a true connection with my school and felt motivated to achieve."
Julia Kay, college freshman


Our next workshops will be held at the Settlement Music School in Philadelphia on November 18. For more information and to download a registration form, please click here.

Arts Across America’s one-day workshop
“Enhancing Academic Performance through Theater Arts”
for elementary, middle, and high school teachers and administrators

In the workshop, we:

present research identifying the positive influence of theater arts on academic performance, social skills, and motivation to learn
show how the field of theater arts is distinct in its capacity to integrate and unify other art forms
identify various models and strategies for implementing or strengthening a theater arts program
discuss how to develop and implement a program in your school within your means
demonstrate how to build support for a new or existing program
share experiences and encourage participants to network and learn from colleagues

The interactive one-day workshop includes a 60 page workbook chock full of resources and program implementation ideas. Since 2005, the workshop has been presented to hundreds of K – 12 teachers and administrators throughout the Northeast United States and at national and state school association conferences. The response has been so positive we decided to share just a few participant comments:

The information on starting up and running with a production was helpful and helped me feel more motivated and encouraged.
Lots of valuable resources! I especially appreciate the data and research.
The most helpful part of the program was the concrete statistics on how theatre arts do help children grow intellectually and socially. The book had everything and even offered links I can’t wait to try!
It will help us to build relationships among the school, parents and the community through the arts.
Incorporation of theater arts can be used to help improve SAT scores.
My school needs a program and what you shared today has “armed” me with the tools I’ll need to get something off the ground next year!
We are now better equipped to bridge the gap between the academic and artistic staff.
The workshop demonstrated how to effectively integrate theater arts into school—wonderful ideas for production.
I feel better able to reach out to all students to help develop social skills, academics and self-esteem through theater.
The practical aspects of starting a program are so valuable.
I love the idea of getting the community involved.
Now we have a solid foundation of materials and ideas to implement in our school. We also have access to valuable resources thanks to this workshop and I feel like I can come to Arts Across America for further help/guidance.
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