
provides support for organizations seeking to improve interpersonal interactions in all arenas and at all levels.
A principal focus of Arts Across America is to help schools implement theater programs in their curricula with the guiding ideal of increasing students' academic and psychosocial skills. Our workshop, "Enhancing Academic Performance through Theater Arts" continues to be well-received by K-12 educators throughout the United States.
Arts Across America also provides support to healthcare providers seeking to improve their interactions with patients. We currently offer a workshop for caregivers in hospital settings which provides them with strategies and techniques for achieving more effective communication with patients.
Studies show that 25 - 30% of patients do not fully comply with care directives, and this deficit is associated with mismanaged communication exchanges. Additionally, the tendency to initiate a malpractice suit increases when ineffective communication occurs. Our workshop helps participants to recognize and avoid barriers to successful provider/patient interactions using a drama-oriented pedagogical model and role-playing techniques. www.acphysci.com/aps/resources/PDFs/APS_1109_Skipjack.pdf
strengthen student’s educational experience and personal
esteem through participation in theater arts programs in
their schools.
Research indicates that significant benefits accrue to
students who participate in arts programs in their schools.
The benefits are multifaceted, affecting students positively
academically, socially, and psychologically.
Why theater arts? Theater arts are the
central focus of .
Theater arts integrate a host of other art forms and media,
incorporating visual arts, music, dance and movement, acting,
sound design, and individual and ensemble performance.
Accordingly, this art form is uniquely positioned to organize
students with diverse artistic interests and talents around
a common purpose.
Despite recognizing the value of a performing arts program,
administrators may think that developing such a program
in their schools would not be feasible. This need not be
the case; introducing a theater arts program into a school
curriculum is very manageable and can consume exceedingly
fewer resources than one might imagine.
Copyright © 2005
by Aplus.net |
 is a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization.
Our mission is to enlighten the community of educators and the
public on the value of theater arts education in curricula
and to provide strategies, tools, and support for the implementation
of school-based theater arts programs. |